This is a mechanical setup designed to adapt to universal load frames and hydraulic presses in order to enable punching the 10mm hole needed for subsequent Hole Expansion Ratio (HER) testing of sheet metal samples. This is a complete kit that encompasses the die set assembly, the punches, as well as a wide array of custom precision punching dies to meet a wide range of clearances (5-25%) for sheets ranging in thickness between 0.6mm and 5mm. This setup enables precision hole punching (critical for successful HER testing) and allows for total independence from the HER testing machine (no need to swab setups – critical for meeting short punch-to-test times).
Adaptability: Most universal load frames (50kN or higher) are equipped with compression platens (INSTRON, ZwickRoell, MTS, etc.) as well as most hydraulic presses (manual or servo presses)
Max. Punching Force: ~100kN
Max. Sheet Thickness: ~5mm
Max. Punching Speed: ~100 mm/s
Punching Direction: Compression